Kua tae koe ki te whārangi whakauru i te Pūnaha Akomanga o eWānanga eWānanga | Student eLearning Hub
Greetings and welcome to eWānanga LMS (Creative Teaching and eLearning), the online learning website of Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi.
What is my login information/credentials?
Your student email and unique password form your login credentials.
Login credentials are generated after a succesful enrolment confirmation. If you do not know your credentials, please speak with your course administration staff.
eWananga LMS uses Microsoft Office 365 (Office365) authentication during the login process.
Please ensure you are using your Awanuiārangi student credentials to log in - email ending with @ewananga.ac.nz All other login credentials will cause your login to be unsuccessful. Please start a guest web browser then return to this site and use the log-in button.
Looking for help?
If you require assistance with eWananga use the red Contact us button at the bottom of each page to send a message.